2650 Employee Suggestion Program
.110 Legal Background
.111 The New York State Employee Suggestion Program was established
by action of the Legislature in 1946. Provisions of that legislation
comprise Sections 145 and 146 of the Civil Service Law. The
New York State Program is the oldest such state program in the
.112 In addition to the Civil Service Law, specific provisions
pertaining to the operation of the Suggestion Program and to
determination of and limitations on award amounts are found
in Part 61 of the Commission's Regulations, §§61.1
through 61.6.
.210 Purpose
.211 The purpose of the Employee Suggestion Program is to encourage
State employees and retirees from State service, either individually
or collectively, to share their constructive ideas in the form
of suggestions, for improving State agency program operations,
reducing State expenditures, and increasing productivity, and
to reward such employees and retirees for those ideas which
are put into use by one or more State agencies. In addition,
Meritorious Service Awards are granted under the Program to
recognize the outstanding accomplishments of State employees
(see .230, below).
.220 Merit Awards - Suggestions
.221 To be eligible for Merit Award consideration, suggestions
must be original (i.e., must not substantially duplicate suggestions
previously submitted by other employees or ideas already in
use by the agencies to which they are referred for evaluation)
and must directly contribute to economy or efficiency, or directly
increase effectiveness in the performance of a function of our
State government.
.222 Merit awards are granted by the Civil Service Commission
to employees or retirees whose suggestions are adopted, based
upon recommendations made by evaluators in the departments where
the suggestions are used. Awards are granted in the form of
a Certificate of Merit and may also include cash or token awards
as determined by the Civil Service Commission, and are granted
for ideas resulting in either tangible or intangible benefits
to the State. When an award is recommended, consideration is
given to estimated net first-year savings along with the nature
of the proposal, the extent of application, originality, initiative
and effort involved. No award is granted unless the suggestion
is actually implemented.
.223 For suggestions which will result in tangible benefits,
any cash award is normally based on a reasonable estimate of
the net savings resulting from the first full year of operation
following implementation. For Merit Awards based solely on tangible
benefits, the amount of the award is limited to 10 percent of
net first year savings. When these savings benefits are $1,000
or less, the entire award is normally paid by the Department
of Civil Service on implementation of the suggestion. When the
savings or benefit is expected to exceed $1,000, an initial
award of $100 or more may be paid to the suggester at the time
the idea is put into effect. The first $100 is normally paid
by the Department of Civil Service, with the benefiting agency
paying any award above this amount. After the suggestion has
been in use for a full year and an audit of actual net first-year
savings has been made, the balance of any award due is paid
by the benefiting agency. The Suggestion Program Office is responsible
for follow-up if a supplemental award is to be paid.
.224 A cash award may also be granted for a suggestion which
does not lend itself to appraisal on the basis of monetary benefits.
The amount of the award is based on the benefiting agency's
assessment of the suggestion's worth or benefit to State operations.
.225 A cash award may also be granted for a suggestion which
results in combined tangible and intangible benefits to the
State. The amount of any such award is normally determined by
adding the amount that would be appropriate based on intangible
benefits to the award amount due as a result of tangible benefits.
.226 The maximum award payable for adopted suggestions that
result in tangible savings or benefit to the State is $50,000;
the maximum award for adopted suggestions that result solely
in intangible benefit is $5,000; the maximum award payable for
adopted suggestions that result in combined tangible and intangible
benefits is $50,000 although the cash awards in such cases may
effectively exceed 10 percent of net first-year savings. The
minimum cash award, where any cash award is to be granted, is
$25, irrespective of the nature of the benefit upon which such
award is based. In the case of awards in excess of $10,000,
the Civil Service Commission may permit the adopting agency
to pay the award in equal installments over a period not to
exceed five years.
.230 Merit Awards - Accomplishment
.231 In addition to awards granted for suggestions which are
judged of significant value and put into effect, awards may
be granted for meritorious or unusual accomplishment. Nominations
on behalf of an employee for such an award are submitted by
a person having knowledge of the circumstances, usually the
employee's supervisor. The nomination must show how the accomplishment
was "above and beyond," or completely outside, the
scope of the nominee's job responsibilities. This is not an
award for sustained superior performance.
.240 Promotion of the Program
.241 Given the benefits to the State and its employees resulting
from the employees' active participation in the Suggestion Program,
Personnel Offices are urged to encourage and fully support such
employee participation. To assist in this effort, suggestion
forms and copies of the Questions and Answers About the New
York State Employee Suggestion Program brochure (see following
pages) should be made readily available to employees by the
Personnel Offices and throughout all agency locations. Personnel
Offices may obtain supplies of these materials from their agency
Suggestion Committee representatives or directly from the Suggestion
Program Office.
.410 Submission of Suggestions
.411 Employee suggestions are submitted on Form ESP-607 provided or authorized by the Employee
Suggestion Program. To ensure their appropriate review, suggestions
are submitted, in duplicate, directly to the Employee Suggestion
Program in the Department of Civil Service. Duplicates of all
attachments, drawings, photographs, and, where possible, samples
are provided with each suggestion submission. Although some
agency Suggestion Committees may properly encourage employees
to submit copies of their suggestions to the Committee at the
same time that they send them to the Department of Civil Service,
this is not a requirement for suggestions to be considered.
Employees who wish to have their ideas evaluated through the
State Employee Suggestion Program should not, however
submit their suggestions through their agency Suggestion Committees
instead of to the Department of Civil Service.
.412 Suggestions must be signed and must show all requested
identifying information, including the employee's official job
title and complete work address. Where two or more employees
are participating in submitting a suggestion, the appropriate
job title and work address information, together with the employee's
signature, must be provided for each suggester on a separate
sheet of paper.
.413 When suggestions are received in the Suggestion Program
Office, they are logged in, reviewed for completeness and eligibility,
checked to ensure that they do not duplicate previously submitted
suggestions (duplicate or non-original ideas are ineligible
for award consideration) and then forwarded to the applicable
Departmental Committee(s) for evaluation.
.414 Suggestions that are accepted and referred for evaluation
are assigned suggestion numbers and the suggesters are notified
by mail of the number assigned. Suggestions that are either
ineligible or are not original are not assigned suggestion numbers.
In such case, the suggesters are, however, notified by mail
why their suggestions could not be accepted.
.420 Suggestion Committees
.421 Each participating department or agency has a Suggestion
Committee normally consisting of from two to nine members. Committee
members are appointed by the Civil Service Commission from among
employees nominated by the agency head. The Committees are responsible
for ensuring the prompt investigation and appraisal of each
suggestion referred to them, and for reporting the results of
such appraisals to the Employee Suggestion Program Office in
the Department of Civil Service.
.422 Suggestion Committee evaluations are transmitted to the
Employee Suggestion Program Office on the "Departmental
Suggestion Committee Evaluation Report," Form ESP-618 which,
in the case of suggestion adoption, includes information detailing
the date of the suggestion's implementation, nature and extent
of the benefit resulting from use of the suggestion, including
an estimate of net first year savings when the benefit is tangible
in nature, and a recommendation of the award to be granted to
the suggester(s). In the case of non-adoption of the suggestion,
the Committee's evaluation report includes a narrative description
of the reason(s) why the suggestion will not be used.
.430 Adoption/Rejection
.431 Upon receipt of the recommendations of the Departmental
Committees, the Director of the Suggestion Program carefully
reviews the reports and conducts any further investigation as
.432 If the suggestion is adopted, appropriate substantiating
memoranda and other supporting materials, as appropriate, are
prepared for review and final determination of any award by
the Civil Service Commission.
.433 If the decision is made not to adopt a suggestion, the
suggester is notified of the decision and the reasons therefor.
+ .440 Awards Process
.441 Following approval of merit awards by the Civil Service Commission, the Program Office arranges for preparation of Certificates of Merit (or Certificates of Meritorious Service) which are signed by members of the Commission.
.442 When a monetary award is in order, the Program Office requests, through the Department of Civil Service Payroll Office, a check for the entire amount of the award from the Office of the State Comptroller. Payment of the benefiting agency's portion of the award, if any, is charged against that agency's Merit Award Cost Center, established pursuant to the requirements of the Comptroller's Office. Appropriate taxes are withheld from all award checks.
.443 When the award checks, if any, have been received from the Office of the State Comptroller, the Program Office forwards all award materials to the appropriate agency Suggestion Committee(s) for presentation to the individual award recipients at suitable award ceremonies.
Questions and Answers about the New York
Employee Suggestion Program |
 |

Q Who is eligible to participate in the Employee Suggestion Program?
All New York State employees, retirees, and employees on New
York State preferred lists are eligible to submit suggestions.
Q. What type of ideas are eligible for Consideration?
Eligible ideas include, but are not limited to, the examples
identified in the listing below. Generally, eligible ideas are
those which:
- directly contribute to economy or efficiency;
- directly increase effectiveness in the performance of a function
of State government;
- improve office procedures, forms, or methods;
- save time and materials;
- consolidate operations and/or forms: and
- propose new ways to reduce costs, eliminate delays, or improve
service or effectiveness.
Q. Is my suggestion eligible for award consideration if it is
related to my job duties and responsibilities?
Yes, suggestions determined to be job-related may be eligible
for award consideration at a reduced rate, based on the extent
of which the suggestion is related to the suggester's actual job
Q. What types of ideas are ineligible for consideration?
Ineligible ideas include, but are not limited to, the examples
identified in the listing below. Generally, ineligible ideas are
those which:
- have already been made and awarded or are already in use or
under consideration;
- propose salary/classification/benefit changes;
- propose matters subject to the collective bargaining process;
- relate to normally accepted safety practices;
- impose new or additional taxes or fees for revenue, as opposed
to cost recovery purposes;
- correct obvious or manifest errors;
- enforce existing laws, rules or regulations;
- propose the acquisition of private property for public purposes;
and involve complaints or grievances.
Q. When should I submit my suggestion?
You should submit your suggestion as soon as possible after you
have developed your idea. Suggestion Program rules require that
credit be given to the first person who submits a suggestion which
successfully addresses a particular idea.
Q. How do I submit my suggestion?
Ideas considered through the New York State Employee Suggestion
Program may be submitted to:
Employee Suggestion Program
New York State Department of Civil Service
The State Campus
Alfred E. Smith State Office Building
Albany, NY 12239

It is the policy of the New York State Department of Civil Service
to provide qualified persons with disabilities, reasonable accommodations
necessary to participate in its programs. If you need an accommodation
to complete the suggestion form, please contact the Suggestion Program
at (518) 457-8072.
Q. How will I know if the Suggestion Program office has received
my suggestion?
The employee completes the suggestion form, ESP-607 and submits it to the New York State Department of Civil Service
Employee Suggestion Program. An acknowledgement is sent to the
suggester within 24 hours indicating the assigned suggestion number
and date of receipt.
Q. Can suggestions be jointly submitted by employees?
Yes, joint suggestions must be signed by all suggesters and include
all appropriate information for each suggester. Any award will
be divided equally among the suggesters.
Q. Can suggestions be jointly submitted by employees?
Yes, joint suggestions must be signed by all suggesters and include
all appropriate information for each suggester. Any award will
be divided equally among the suggesters.
Q. May I submit a suggestion that concerns an agency other than
the one by which I am employed?
Yes, but certain State units, such as the New York State Thruway
Authority, the New York State Dormitory Authority and the Office
of Court Administration do not participate in this Suggestion
Program. Suggestions pertaining to the operations of these units
are not eligible.
Q. Who will evaluate my suggestion?
Each participating agency has its own Suggestion Committee, which
refers suggestions to the appropriate program area for evaluation.
The Committee reviews the program area's evaluation and forwards
its recommendation to the New York State Suggestion Program.
Q. How long will it take the Suggestion Committee to evaluate
my suggestion?
Agency Suggestion Review Committees have a 45-day period to evaluate
a suggestion. Agencies may require additional time to complete
the evaluation.
Q. How will I know whether my idea has or has not been approved?
You will be notified by the Suggestion Program Office.
Q. What if my suggestion is disapproved but is later put into
Suggestions which are not adopted remain active for an equity
period of two years following notice of disapproval. During this
time, no one will be eligible to submit your ideas as their suggestion.
If your suggestion is implemented within this two-year equity
period, please notify the Suggestion Program so the appropriate
action can be taken.
Q. If my suggestion is adopted, what kind of award will I receive?
All suggesters whose ideas are approved and put into effect will
receive a Certificate of Merit signed by the
members of the Civil Service Commission. Suggestions that result
in tangible benefits (total gross savings reported during the
first year of the suggestion's use) may be eligible for up to
10% of the net first year savings or 10% of other financial benefit
to the State, up to a maximum of $50,000. Suggestions that result
in intangible benefits (those which are primarily non-monetary
in nature or which do not lend themselves to monetary appraisal)
may be eligible for an award up to a maximum of $5,000.
Q. If I receive a monetary award for my suggestion, is the award
Yes, all monetary merit awards granted under the Employee Suggestion
Program are taxable.
Q. What factors are considered in determining the award amount?
In addition to actual monetary savings or other tangible or intangible
benefits resulting from implementation of a suggestion, the NYS
Civil Service Commission may consider any of the following factors:
- Nature of the idea
- Its originality
- Extent of use
- Effectiveness
- Ingenuity
- Effort involved
- Importance of the operation affected
- Relationship of the idea to the suggester's job duties and
Q. Whom may I contact for additional information?
Email: suggest@cs.ny.gov
Phone: 518-457-9375
TM-52, Replacing parts of TM-41 - February 2002
TM-59, Replacing parts of TM-52 - July, 2007
TM-61, Updating Q & A's - August, 2007
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